Hello all. I am looking for any information for the clutch for my 1918 Model 35-D, which I am guessing is probably the same or very similar to that used in other cars of the six-30 series of 1917 - 1918. Very grateful if you have any technical info or workshop instructions, or also tips on how to get into the clutch for cleaning or adjustment.
Thanks so much,
Hello Dave,
There are is a 1917 Chalmers Six-30 owners manual in the garage under owners manuals
Unfortunately there are no "service manuals”, while the owners manuals are helpful, they don't tell us how to take the cars apart.
If you do your clutch work, please document it as best you can and send pictures or write a small article for our restoration page.
Best regards,
Hello Prewitt,
Thanks so much.
Hi Dave,
Just posted a bunch of owners manuals in the "Garage" on the website. May not have your model exactly but maybe close.
Prewitt Scripps